Informal Business Drink | Lisbon
To kick off the New Year, we invite you to join us for our upcoming International Business Drink in Lisbon!
The event will take place at Epic Sana Hotel, next January 31st between 6-8pm. If you're interested in connecting with our network and that of other Chambers, this is a great opportunity to join us. Our teams will be delighted to welcome you!
Venue: Epic Sana Lisboa Hotel, Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco 15, Lisbon
Time: 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm
Fee: Entrance is free, and drinks are paid individually on the spot. This event is also open to non-members (number of participants is limited).
Registration: until 27.01 below
This event is organized in partnership with the following Chambers of Commerce:British-Portuguese CC; Portuguese-Belgian-Luxembourg CC; Portugal-Hong Kong CC; Portugal- China CC; French-Portuguese CC, Portugal-Brazil CC; Portugal-Italy CC, ANJE and ourselves - CCPH.
- Alexandra Noorman de Clercq
ByAlex Fabric Creations - António Varela Cid
CCPH - Bob Kok
AVIT - D.V. Singh en/of Prachi Singh
Quintino Real Estate - Diana Seabra
Sublime Dance Company - Dominique de Koe
PrimeBridge Global - Filipe Fernandes Murraças
Netherlands Embassy in Lisbon - Joana Mestre
MATLAW, Soc. Advogados - José Bouça
Tonnie Talent - José Carlos Ferreira Fernandes
CeiraConsulting - Consultores - L Kremer
Lightning Media - Leendert Verschoor
PwC TAX - Luis Roque
Expand with ACE - Marjon van Dinther
CCPH - Martelle Bertens
CCPH - Max Mosterd
Lisbeyond Group - Miguel Reynolds Brandão
Portugal House Hunters - Nadine Beuchold
Sprachfox BV - Paulo Alves
IMOCOM - Peter van Doorn
Van Doorn & Partner Lda - Pieter Ijzerman
ChaZeMo Lda - Ricardo Silv
Engibots - Rita Brandão
Devoteam PT - Rita Cristovao
Plux Biosignals - Rob Hornman
Robert Hornman Hospitality Advisory - rogerio
Tonnie Talent - Rolf Heinemann
Alepo Arquitectura Lda - Ronald Goovaerts
Lesico Process Piping BV - Ruben Westmeijer
Bond Connect - Rui da Costa Fernandes
IA Group - Tomás Allano Fernandes Ferreira
IPDAL - Instituto para a Promoção da América Latina e Caraíbas - Tomás Santos
99x Europe (formerly Cleverti) - Vitor Silva
Qonqord - Yvette Huitema
Yfke House