Get to know our Impact Circle

Julho, 2023

In the second half of 2023, we will start with our Impact Circle for members that have an interest in or focus on Sustainable Development in the broadest sense of the word, or those who want to know more about it. This Circle follows in the footsteps of the Digital Circle that was established in 2022 and has been running successfully ever since.

The activities are regular Teams meeting and every now and then an on-site meeting in Portugal or the Netherlands. The goal of this Impact Circle is to provide for a platform to promote business opportunities with a sustainable and innovative character.

We will invite different speakers and after every meeting there will be time for networking and connecting on a personal level. We hope the Impact Circle will inspire its participants and enhance their network. The meetings are open for every (aspirant) CCPH member to join. Should you be interested in getting invitations, or do you know somebody within your organization who might be interested, then please sign up for the Impact Circle via  We are super excited to start this initiative and hope to meet you soon in one of our sessions.

We are proud to announce that The Impact Circle will be run by two of our members:

Wouter Heijnen | Innovation advisor/ founder Circular Hub Algarve

Alex Griekspoor | / Boardmember CCPH