Our Digital Circle continues in 2025!
In 2025, we will continue with our Digital Circle for members that have an interest in or focus on IT and technology or want to know more about digitalization.
The activities are a monthly Teams meeting and a quarterly on-site meeting in Portugal. The goal of this Digital Circle is to inspire and connect.
We will invite different speakers, mainly on IT, technology, or digital topics, but sometimes a more general case will be chosen that is applicable to the digital domain. Besides, after every meeting, there will be time for networking and connecting on a personal level.
We have already lined up some interesting speakers in our network for the coming months. Check out the agenda here.
The meetings are open for every (aspirant) CCPH member to join. Should you be interested in getting invitations, or do you know somebody within your organization who might be interested, then please sign up for the CCPH Digital Circle via office@ccph.pt.
Our session are always organized around lunchtime (12:00-13:00 Lisbon time, 13:00-14:00 Amsterdam time). We will keep you up to date on our activities via the CCPH newsletters, but you can also check the website. We are super excited to continue this initiative and hope to meet you soon in one of our sessions.
On behalf of the CCPH Digital Circle:
Geesje Mosies and Yvonne Kubbinga